About Us

FinBizness is the world’s first B2B digital ecosystem of curated videos exclusively for the global BFSI sector. Finopedia Digital Pvt. Ltd. is the parent company of the brand FinBizness with a global footprint and powered by the 15-year-old legacy of Banking Frontiers – an exclusive B2B magazine with a history of being the flag-bearer media house in the financial services world since 2002 and a total circulation of 7,500+ copies and a total readership of over 22,500.

FinBizness is a dedicated app cum web-based video platform for the global financial fraternity. Our key focus is to involve industry stalwarts from the BFSI, Regulatory, Governance, Fintech and the Technology and allied sectors which depend on this financial industry. We discover, demystify and disseminate valuable content and help the industry CXOs to engage, upskill, collaborate and drive business decisions in the financial world.

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