
Fakistan Fight the Fright | Banking Frontiers Live

The tech-savvy fakesters are faking everything digital - whether it is digital currency, digital certificates, digital identities, mobile apps, and websites. These malicious activities are causing a great deal of harm to individuals and businesses. Banking Frontiers in association with Secure Channel organized a breakfast roundtable among senior BFSI executives who looked at the problem from several perspectives, discussed various solutions, and explored various ways to prepare for the future.

Data Centers – The Highpoint of Technology Maturity | Nikhil Rathi

Handling large data, data security, skill shortage, lack of process and system to handle data, multiple data storages, data integration, data governance, data analysis,...

Payments led Digital Transformation in Afghan Banks : Sayed Nazeer Hashimi

The banking segment in Afghanistan is still evolving. Though it is a small market by size, the competition is very high with more than...

Cloud Avatar

Mythology and movies tell us that when it is time to do something bold, we need a new leader, a new Avatar. For the...

Ever Evolving Ecosystem | Benny Tadele

Not only are real-time payments booming everywhere, but they are also transforming the nature of business and the relationships between buyers and sellers. Banking...

Data Sharing, Caring and Securing | Technoviti 2022

An insightful conversation with industry leaders on data sharing, caring and securing which highlights the major challenges in data sharing today and a detailed...

Co-Lending Crossing the Chasm

Banking Frontiers organized a Breakfast Roundtable to discuss the fast-evolving space of Co-Lending from the perspectives of business, technology, and...

CEO panel | InsureNEXT – Unfolding Opportunities and Leapfrogging Challenges

Banking Frontiers organized a panel discussion with CEOs in the insurance sector to help the industry better understand some critical challenges. They explained how...

AI Everywhere | Sanjay Thawakar

Artificial Intelligence has now become a part of our daily lifestyle. AI is everywhere, right from our computers to smartwatches, mobile phones & of...

Accelerating Profits – The Finopay Way | Ashish Ahuja

Ashish Ahuja, Chief Operating Officer at Fino Payments Bank, speaks about the bank's profit contribution, distribution & technology strategies to reach remote locations of...

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